Sunday, April 10, 2011

Return of the Mack

I was peepin' these fine ladies at the Denver capitol. Mmmmm, high waisted pants. So. Hot.

I'm feeling good enough, after yesterday's testing debacle, to make stupid jokes. I guess that's a sign I'm on the upswing. I randomly woke up at 6:20 this morning, so I took a long bath while reading a book, uploaded pictures to FB from our Peru trip (oh man, I still have to put those on here too...), and did some scattershot internet surfing/news reading. I told myself I would fully, unequivocally embrace a lazy Sunday without guilt, but I still managed to pick up the house, do the dishes, and run an errand. But, I did skip yoga, and instead of drinking my usual smoothie for breakfast I had an egg croissant + tater tots and a Coke at Sonic this morning with Bobby. We ate in the car, laughing and being silly, communicating in a kind of shorthand to reference various inside jokes that I'm sure only we would find funny. And the carhop was roller skating, a fact that contributed perfectly to the Sonic-breakfast-at-10:30 a.m. ambiance.

I'm going to try to stop asking poor Bobby, over and over and over, "Do you think I passed the test????". Because I don't get the results until April 25th, and that's a long time to pester someone with flatly unanswerable questions (oh, unanswerable questions you say! kind of like everything on the exam....).  WAIT, no, I'm trying to be positive! So here's some positive- in two weeks from tomorrow my friend Arielle flies in from New York, and then we're road tripping to Texas, where I'll spend two weeks bouncing around between Dallas/Austin/Brownwood/San Antonio/Padre Island, hitting up two birthdays and a wedding. Now that's some positive.

Let's go, summer. Even if, thanks to the cruelty of poorly written and pointless exams, you include two summer school classes crammed into one month so that I can start grad school in August. Yes, even if.

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