Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2011 Goals Review: January

Me, around age 3, trying to reach for something a bit out of my grasp. It seemed appropriate, right?

I decided to do a monthly re-cap of my 2011 goals- which can be found HERE- so I can reflect on where I'm having trouble and motivate myself by reviewing my accomplishments. The month of January I started tracking on the 10th, because my friends were in the 2nd-8th and we had a great time snowboarding, being tourists, going out, and playing with horses. So for this monthly review we're working with 3 weeks. Without further ado, let's see how it all went down...

Food and Fitness
Do at least two cardio workouts a week + three additional workouts (any type including yoga): I met this goal week one and week two. The last week of January, however, was filled with endless hours of news watching due to the Egypt situation, and a sneak attack by a five days early period. I worked out once and I missed my normal 3 times a week yoga routine terribly.
Get down to one soda and one coffee per week or less: We used to *never* drink soda, and literally in the last two months Cherry Cokes are callin' my name. I did great week one, week two and three I had two sodas and two coffees each week. But the goal is to get down to, so I'm working on it.
Give C25K another try (applies to cardio workout goal above): I will be starting C25K once we got back from vacation. In the meantime I've been reading online tutorials on how to run without injury, and watching YouTube videos on proper alignment etc.
Misc Goals and Projects
West Coast Swing lessons- aim for once a week, go at least twice a month; belly dancing lessons on Sundays: I also decided not to begin belly dancing lessons until we got back from vacation- for one, they're far cheaper purchased monthly instead of individually, for two I didn't want to go to two classes, be gone for two weeks, and forget everything. WCS lessons are also purchased monthly, so Bobby and I will be going to open dances and individual lessons when we get back from vacation, and then we will be starting up lessons again on a monthly basis with our normal teacher.
Finish rainbow quilt, blue crocheted baby blanket, and Kate’s quilt- work on similar projects at least twice a month: I'm VERY proud of myself in this area. I finished the blue crocheted baby blanket, Kate's quilt was finished in time for her birthday, and I also finished a scarf that had been hanging around for the better part of the last year.
Scan in journals/letters/cards; finish editing pictures & deleting unwanted pics; organizing files: I have been going through every single picture file I have and deleting pics, getting rid of red eye in the ones I'm keeping, and organizing them better. I've also scanned in a big pile of handwritten letters into a "Cards and Letters" file. After the mammoth photo scanning project- which, by the way, ended up being over FIVE THOUSANDS PHOTOS, not the 2,000 I had originally thought- this project will be a piece of cake.
Update blog at least twice a week/creative writing once a week: I've been more than meeting this goal. I'm working on editing some of my writing I've done here and there over the past year and looking into how to submit articles.
Career and Finances
Continue to volunteer with SSI and VE & complete Community Based Development Certificate: I'm still volunteering/interning with both places and I'm registered for my second to last class to get the certificate- it starts in March, and I should have the certificate completed by the end of summer.
Begin Teacher Certification program and internship in August: I also spent a lot of time the last two weeks applying to grad school, applying to the teaching program, getting fingerprinted, requesting transcripts, and getting money orders and mail together to send it all off. I've also been in contact with the internship director and the graduate program admissions director. Absolutely everything is done on my end, now I just have to wait to see what they say, and schedule my endorsement area test.
Try to find a part time job that works around current internships: This is clearly a work in progress and I will begin looking again as soon as we return from vacation.
Personal Improvement
Read one book a week/52 books in a year- I'm also very proud of myself in this area. In the last 3 weeks of February I read 6 books: Catching Fire, The Amber Spyglass, The End of Overeating, Food Matters, 3 Cups of Tea, and Nat'l Geographic Traveler: Egypt. I'm also almost done with The Culture of Fear, I hope to finish it before we leave.
Regular Spanish study-Rosetta Stone, books, Spanish Word of the Day- at least 3 times a week The first week I did great on this goal- studying Spanish for a little over 3 hours total plus reading the Spanish word of the day every day via e-mail. The last two weeks however were a total bust. I consciously chose to supplant the Spanish study with the DVD lecture series on Egypt. As I've mentioned before, we were working through a 48 lecture series, 30 min a lecture. It's just a prof at a lectern, so it was like taking a college class on Egypt, and I didn't feel guilty choosing to temporarily substitute those lectures for the Spanish study.
No more than one hour of internet during weekdays- Well, I'm sure you all know I failed there, since I've talked about being obsessively glued to the news for the last week. Prior to the unrest in Egypt however I was doing very well with this goal.

Call all grandparents and parents at least once a month/ Send more mail (specifically to Great Granny monthly)- Met this goal. I feel like I should clarify that I do talk to all of these people at least once a month anyway- they're my family!- but I wanted to make sure it wasn't feast or famine. A lot of the time I'll call a few times in one week, and then not call for two weeks, etc. I'm hoping to be more regular with phone calls. My mom and dad are both on FB- which I love- so that helps with keeping in contact. I tried to call my Great Granny twice but she didn't answer, so I'm hoping to catch her before we leave on our trip.
All together I'm pretty pleased with the way this month worked out, considering how crazy the last week has been and how I've had to put some things on pause until we return home from vacation. I'm excited to see how February goes!

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