Thursday, June 17, 2010

Second Chances

I decided that I would go back to the weekday yoga class that gave me such a bad experience. I wouldn't think about that bad experience, but would instead take a spot in the back- I usually like a front corner so I can use the mirrors on both sides to correct my form- and just have a nice, relaxing class.

And you know what? It totally worked. At the end of class we had partner time, and a ridiculously sweet girl came up to me and offered to be my partner, because she said she didn't know anyone in class and it seemed like everyone knew everyone else. I told her I felt the same way, and we proceeded to do the (admittedly somewhat awkward) partner exercise of yogic massage while our partner was in child's pose. Despite "drumming" on a complete stranger's sacrum, and having her do the same to me, I was *more* comfortable in class this time than in last time. After class I approached the teacher about working on my arm balances, and she sweetly gave me her facebook info, told me to friend her, and said she has classes downtown that specifically focus on inversions and arm balances.

The moral of the story is, my rule of trying everything at least three times worked like a charm once again. And I only had to try it twice to set things right.

Totally unrelated to any of the above, I am beyond excited to try out a new recipe. Think cajun spiced fried food, but instead of meat, it's tofu. Veganomicon is a cookbook that has yet to let me down, so I have high hopes for it. Other than that I'm super sore, and, oh yes, I have yet to be able to get in to "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance". I'm 67 pages deep, and I'm still fighting my way through pages, trying to pay attention. So, in the spirit of giving things a chance, I'm still soldiering on, but there is most certainly a page number deadline for chemistry to develop that is fast approaching. I don't think it bodes well that I'm already scoping out my bookshelf looking for a replacement. Don't worry, I don't do it in front of Zen. That would just be rude.

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