Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Propositioning Jobs

I spent a considerable amount of time last evening editing and re-writing my resume. I've managed to find a few non-profit management type jobs that excited me, maybe my resume will excite at least one of them as well. It's hard applying for jobs in this internet age. It's like online dating. I peruse their profiles, think about if I want to be with them, and then agonize over the message/resume I will send, hoping it catches their eye and makes them want to meet up and get to know me better. Hopefully that first meeting will convince them we're perfect for each other, and they will confess they don't know how they lived without me.

I snagged Puppy Bob that way, here's hoping for another success!**

**Of course Bobby is better than a job. I just had to continue my ridiculous metaphor. Thank you for understanding.

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