I love that blissful "This is the life" look he has on his face. I gotta say, I'm glad Arielle forced us to take him back from Kate, who I dumped him on when I jaunted off to Japan. Yeah. We have a complicated relationship. We're working on it.
I do have to admit though that he is lanky and kind of scraggly looking and he leaves tufts of hair all over our house, so that if we don't vacuum at least twice a week our carpet starts looking like dalmation fur. He also begs for food like we abuse him, and he demands to be fed until he yaks it up all over the floor. Again. No one is perfect. Osiris is a work in progress. As long as we keep his belly shaved and Arielle feeds him I'm pretty sure he won't try and smother us in our sleep.
Pretty sure.
I really love how happy he looks all nuzzled in your hair. I wish I could be a cat, they're always so happy and lazy.